In a cost-saving move, MySpace will no longer allow songs to play automatically by going to a band's MySpace page. According to DigitalMusicNews, this will save MySpace tens of millions of dollars from saving bandwidth and royalty costs. Remember, everytime you stream a signed band's music on MySpace, MySpace has to pay that label for your free stream.
This move will also affect band's MySpace plays. It will allow band's (and industry) to get a real sense of who is listening to your music. The user has to start the music player to hear the band's music. The automatic plays no longer count (or exist).
This change is a cost-saving measure since MySpace lost $230 million last quarter for Fox Interactive Media, according to the Huffington Post. MySpace laid off 700 workers this year and broke its lease on office space it no longer needed.
Bands, I again direct you to my article Bands, You Need A Plan B And Fast which addresses the fall of MySpace which is home to thousands of bands "homepage." What is your Plan B?