10. Hit The Lights (Triple Crown) - I have to admit that I'm not the biggest fan of their music but I can't deny their live show. It's energetic, a lot of crowd interaction and the band looks like they love what their doing. I'll come around to being fans of their music. Watch them on the SmartPunk Stage.
9. There For Tomorrow (Hopeless) - I first saw this band play on the Ernie Ball Stage on Warped '07 in Orlando. Two years later, their live show continues to rock. Make sure you check out their 3-part harmonies on their Icebox cover. They have energy, power and great harmonies with their live show. Watch them on the SmartPunk Stage.
8. The White Tie Affair (Epic/Slightly Dangerous) - I've seen this band play on a house patio in Phoenix to Bamboozle and now Warped Tour. Their steady climb of album sales (over 65,000 so far) has the live show to be thankful for. It's easy to get new fans when you can sound like your CD in person. Watch them on the SmartPunk Stage.
7. Gallows (Epitaph) - You can watch this band every single day/night and come out with something different to say. You will also come out of it with a few new one-liners. This band speaks their mind and don't hide anything when it comes to their live show. Frank, the lead singer, always gets in the pit with the mic. He comes out bloody quite often, as well. Stuart, their bass player, gives them extra points for remembering my name after 2 years. Watch them on the Hurley Stage.
6. Alexisonfire (Vagrant) - This band has one of the best live screamers and one of the best singers. The singer is none other than City & Colour's Dallas Green. I didn't know who this band was until Warped '05 when I heard this amazing sounding band ringing out of the ampitheater in Cincinnati. I was a fan ever since. Watch them on the Hurley Stage.
5. Innerpartysystem (Unsigned) - I have to admit that I never watch this band's entire performance at any date because of various reasons. It's hard to have a light show on Warped since most time slots are during the day. But this band, somehow, gets it done. The buzz about this band's live show reminds me of the talk of MuteMath on Warped '07. Watch them on the Skullcandy Stage.
4. The Maine (Warner/Fearless) - Ok ok...I know some of you are going to call me "biased" on this one since I work for the band. But they are very good live and I had several people on Warped tell me they sound like their CD. Just listen to their Def Leppard cover live and you will be won over. These guys have come a long way from their very first live show in January 2007, which I attended. Watch them on the Hurley Stage.
3. A Day To Remember (Victory) - Holy moly. This band is easily in the Top 5 most watched band on Warped '09. I saw one show in which there was easily 3,000 people watching. They are intense, crowd-pleasing, thankful to their fans and fun to watch. If you want to see kids crowd surfing 50 yards from the stage with 10 different mosh pits, this band is for you. Watch them on the Hurley Stage.
2. All Time Low (Hopeless) - Again, some of you might tag me with the "biased" card because of my relationship with them. But they are definitely one of the better live bands on Warped '09. Their harmonies have continued to improve and their songs are just damn catchy. Their antics between songs are hilarious. If you don't like their music, watch them to hear their witty commentary. Watch them on the Main Stage.
1. Underoath (Solid State) - Just when I started to lose interest in this band, I had to see them on Warped Tour. Bam! My interest is back. Their live show is hands down the best on the tour. Their crowd is intense, their set is intense, their musicianship is intense and the show is intense. They sound like their CDs and they look like they love playing every night. They even try not to offend the non-Christians with their love for God. Watch them on the Main Stage.
How did I do?