Their song Empty Handed got a 50-second spot on the latest The Real World episode. The mainstream crowd is eating it up as the song has sold over 1,000 singles on iTunes in just 5 days. Their new EP Always Will Be has also sold over 100 copies since the airing.
This band was made for movie and TV placement. And they are almost at the point to be on your radio waves.
Make sure you start following this band so you can tell your friends you knew them "....back when....". Hurry, because "the real world" is starting noticed.
Purchase the Empty Handed single for .99 cents----->
Such a talented band! So glad they are getting some sales behind them. Sometimes labels just need to make sure people will buy a bands music.
July 20, 2009 at 12:01 PMI LOVE this band.
July 26, 2009 at 1:26 PMPost a Comment
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