After being on Warped '09 for my 2nd week long stint, I noticed a big change from the 1st week of the tour - bands are very vocal about their distaste for bands like Jeffree Starr, Brokencyde, Breathe Carolina and Millionaires. At least one band on every stage will tell you how they feel about them. Gallows might be the only band with balls to actually call them out by name, though.
But what gives? Is this just another music trend that the "punk" bands of Warped Tour voice their dislike and move on? Or is this something deeper? Do they really want to stop these bands from playing the tour?
As you can see from the picture above, Jeffree Star draws kids to his shows. And his signing lines run over an hour every time. Is this just a passing fad? I don't think so.
Buddy of Senses Fail started the public demonizing of Brokencyde while he was on tour with them. And since then, it seems everyone has been chiming in, including this New York Times Warped Tour review.
But who's "fault" is it anyway? Is it the fans who keep buying their merch and going to shows? Or is it bands like 3Oh!3 (who seem to never be in these discussions but I guess if Lil' Jon performs with you on the Long Island Warped, you are credible) who give these new electro/dance-bands hope?
Who's fault is it that Warped Tour has to arrange security for Jeffree Star everyday at his tent? He didn't need it at the beginning of the tour. Hmmm....
I want to hear your take on this!
It's just the changing of times. New trends in music create a ton of people who "don't get it." I don't really get it but I get why kids like it.
July 20, 2009 at 8:11 AMWarped bands saying how screamo bands suck, pop bands suck and now electro-dance bands suck is part of Warped Tour. It happens every year.
This year seems to hold more hate which might be spilling over into fans, though.
3oh3 is on a different level at this point in time. as they continue to sell a consistent 8-10K copies a week, plus in the top 10 on the hot 100 singles chart. they have transcended into the mainstream pop world. The fact that they didn't spend all that much time climbing through the punk rock "system", they don't have anything to be called out for.
July 20, 2009 at 8:17 AMAs for Jeffree Star, the dude is a joke in my eyes, but like the other mentioned bands know how to market themselves to kids. Also the more people talk about them in a negative light the more their name is out there. people should just let them fizzle off.
Focusing on Jeffree star, I would call it pornorock. Being 'campy' is one thing, I think, but advocating, promoting, and encouraging deviance publicy is not really something this world needs more of. I think his MUSIC is kid of fun and I do like dance beats. But to shove your personal lifestyle down everybody's throat seems unnecessary.
July 20, 2009 at 10:17 AMLooking for something positive to say, I would try to understand Jeffree Star as trying to be the contemporary David Bowie. But even in Bowie's most flamboyant, outrageous days, he did not insult, degrade, embarrass or otherwise outright corrupt his audience. And, he used his flamboyance in the beginning to attract initial attention but realized that whole scene just didn't have staying pwer - it was a novelty. Thankfully, he took his music more seriously and phased out of his initial falamboyance rather quickly and adopted a more mature persona, moving to his 'Fame' period of dress and superior music. Whatever his personal lifestyle, he moved on from publicly promoting it as some sort of virture - let's hope Jeffree Starr does the same.
I do agree that JS does cause attention on himself. But the other 3 bands mentioned in this article are actually some of the nicest people on the tour.
July 20, 2009 at 10:34 AMthese bands will come and go. a few years from now they will be gone. only that bands that create amazing music will stick around.
July 20, 2009 at 1:36 PMI think most of these artists, that people call out and ridicule...most of these artists are getting EXACTLY what they are aiming for. Face it, it's just like Mason: shock-pop (for Jeffree) shock-hop (Brokencyde) shock-core (for breathe caroline) and shock- ....media prostitution (millionares). SHOCK ROCK. Shock music. It's music presented for shock value.
July 20, 2009 at 3:16 PMThey are getting exactly what they want, a load of exposure and attention, whether negative or positive.
I strongly dislike all these groups, but they are smart as anything. MIllionares will be making millions on being just the way they are
Also, as these bands will come and go, the concept of shock music will still exist most definitely. Look at culture club, Boy George! then next was Manson, now we have Jeffree Star. Cross dressers that go all out. Clever isn't it?
July 20, 2009 at 3:17 PMTrends come and go, its nothing worth getting angry or bitter about. Thats what a lot of people and bands dont get, I think. I've booked Millionaires before and had a good experience with them. Bottom line: kids are gonna like what they WANT to like. Nothing you, me, AP or MTV can do will change that.
July 20, 2009 at 7:10 PMto quote Frank from Gallows in this month's AP "punk rock has always been about not giving a fuck and having no rules. There are a lot of cookie cutter bands, and there are a lot of cookie cutter kids wanting to see the same thing."
July 20, 2009 at 7:22 PMWell, I don't see many folks out there making music who look like Jeffree Star. I don't see many bands who sound like Millionaires. But I could probably run off a list of a hundred gutterpunk bands from '77 to today who look and sound an awful lot like Gallows.
The fact is punk rock DOES have rules, very defined ones, and primary among them is an insistance that YOU are the one breaking the rules and THEY are the ones following them. The truth of it is irrelevant, it's just about espousing it.
Warped isn't a punk tour and hasn't been one for probably 10 years now. If it was one, I wouldn't have any interest in going. Punk is dead, though its lifeless zombie lumbers along. The punk spirit is alive and well, it's just gone to other sounds, other scenes, to where new and exciting things happen.
You can't fool the kids. They know what's authentic and what's fake. Isn't that what we're always saying about the scene? Isn't that what Lyman continuously credits with the ongoing success of Warped? Just like they always have been, this time around the kids are all right.
While I want to blame the fans who are "all right" and are supporting these 'artists' by seeing them and buying their music, I think ultimately the blame lies in people within the music industry who support these artists and feed them to the scenekids. If you work in the music industry, one would hope you are doing it because you love music and want to help those that create it. Noawadays, however, it seems those in charge of some labels/marketing teams only care about money. It doesn't matter how talented an 'artist' is or what they represent, all that matters is they can be marketed to scene tweens who will hand over all their cash.
July 22, 2009 at 11:35 PMAny label that can put out garbage like JS, Millionares or Brokencyde should be ashamed of themselves. There is no excuse for supporting these bands.
I also don't know why Warped Tour invited any of these so-called bands on the tour at all - videos I've seen of these three groups usually have half the crowd booing at them. Bringing these people out on Warped is an insult to the founding bands of the scene who were on previous tours and a clear sign that Warped Tour has stopped being about 'music' as none of these 'artists' even bring instruments onstage, much less play them.
But that's just my opinion.
"I also don't know why Warped Tour invited any of these so-called bands on the tour at all..."
July 27, 2009 at 4:34 PMThat's simple... and you even point it out. Half the crowd is not booing. They're enjoying the ipods playing backing tracks, buying overpriced neon merch and ultimately paying for the punk rock roadshow to continue on.
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